Would rather read the entire creation account right from genesis.
nasa discovery proves the bible scientifically accurate.
the debate.
for decades there has been a long standing debate between science and religion as to the validity of the biblical genesis account of creation.
Would rather read the entire creation account right from genesis.
does a female kingdom publisher need to wear a head covering if she conducts a bible study in the presence of a male publisher?.
in a questions from readers item published in the watchtower of july 15, 2002, it was stated that a sister should cover her head if she conducts a bible study in the presence of a male publisher, whether he is baptized or not.
further consideration of the matter suggests that a modification to this direction is appropriate.. if the male publisher who accompanies the sister while she conducts an established bible study is baptized, the sister would certainly want to wear a head covering.
Wow, this kind of revelation shows you exactly how deep into the time of the end we are!
to give a little background, my parents are in their late 50s.
around a year ago, my elder dad got laid off from his job.
he worked as a auto mechanic making ok money.
I dont mean to sound mean, but they will reap what they have sown.
Doesn't sound mean at all. More like rational and realistic. Best of luck dealing with this.
i think everyone here can agree that walking down the street, even in the middle of the street, is not cause for having a clip emptied in your ass......... i can understand how the black community would be outraged by the injustice of seeing another black man dead in the street at the hands of the police under mysterious circumstances....... i hope that i'm not succumbing to the attempts to assinate the already well impuned character of the dead man...... however.
i can't help but think that this could all have been avoided by exercising the proper discretion with fore-knowledge of the disadvantages people of color have when they are dealing with law enforcement in the united states.
it is not as if this disadvantage has only since recently came to light.
Against my better judgement I will comment on this, although I am not really taking a particular stance:
In social psych class we learned about experiments done with regards to race/prejudice/violence.
What they found in this one simulation/experiment was that white police officers will shoot a "black suspect" with a greater frequency than a "white suspect."
They also found that black police officers will shoot a "black suspect" with greater frequency than a "white suspect."
I am not entirely sure what this means, but it doesn't looks good for "black suspects."
Honestly (and this is just my gut) I think the "divide" that has emerged in the US is more along socioeconomic lines rather than racial, i.e., a black kid (or any kid, for that matter) simply has a better chance of encountering violence of any sort being in a "poor" neighborhood as opposed to a more "wealthy" neighborhood.
I'm not an expert on this stuff though.
can anyone confirm that gb member anthony morris iii's real birth name is anthony esposito?.
if it is, that would explain why it has been hard to find his military record, or any other biographical information about him.. .
VM44 - My wife came home FUMING after the Zoned Visit and said,"Who is this Anthony Morris guy?"
She typed the info into google and found what you did: evidently he was born Anthony Esposito and was adopted.
i've heard it mentioned a few times.. the rotating earth graphic in the background on jwtv rotates backwards.. i've mentioned it to the active and they are not concerned at all.. my response is, "it's something they are portraying that cannot be more wrong".. .
two gb members have stood in front of it telling us to trust them.
how can you when they think the sun rises in the west.... .
You know, for a bunch of guys who claim to have JC as their "Big Brother," you would think HE would have filled them in on which way the world turns.
Hell, even the soap opera got it right!
Awkward indeed!
i've heard it mentioned a few times.. the rotating earth graphic in the background on jwtv rotates backwards.. i've mentioned it to the active and they are not concerned at all.. my response is, "it's something they are portraying that cannot be more wrong".. .
two gb members have stood in front of it telling us to trust them.
how can you when they think the sun rises in the west.... .
College Smollege.
What the hell do those physicists know.
i've heard it mentioned a few times.. the rotating earth graphic in the background on jwtv rotates backwards.. i've mentioned it to the active and they are not concerned at all.. my response is, "it's something they are portraying that cannot be more wrong".. .
two gb members have stood in front of it telling us to trust them.
how can you when they think the sun rises in the west.... .
I'm upsetted by the fact that they don't portray it as flat!
Oh gosh, I absolutely love this!
Thanks for pointing this out KAIROS!
seriously, i am so thankful that the org has officially allowed the use of ipads and tablets at the kingdom hall!.
it is the only thing that keeps me sane while sitting there....being able to log on to this site while pretending to follow along with the program!.
i think i would have literally lost my mind without this lifeline!.
You must also thank Jehovah for wireless internet.
so at the zoned visit, tough tony remarked how inactive ones had "blood on their hands" for not warning the unsuspecting inhabitants of earth of their impending doom at armageddon.
could it be true that the society is at least equally bloodguilty for the same offense?.
if there was one way watchtower could warn the entire inhabited earth of their sudden destruction all at once, it would certainly be on the internet.. and the perfect opportunity to warn the entire inhabited earth of the impending destruction would be to answer a "frequently answered question" in an honest and forthright manner.
So at the Zoned Visit, Tough Tony remarked how inactive ones had "blood on their hands" for not warning the unsuspecting inhabitants of Earth of their impending doom at Armageddon. Could it be true that the society is at least equally bloodguilty for the same offense?
If there was one way watchtower could warn the entire inhabited earth of their sudden destruction all at once, it would certainly be on the Internet.
And the perfect opportunity to warn the entire inhabited earth of the impending destruction would be to answer a "frequently answered question" in an honest and forthright manner. The question is:
"Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Feel That They Are the Only People Who Will Be Saved?"
The answer, according to is:
Really? "No"?
You can read the rest of their answer here at
So you have the absolute perfect opportunity to warn the entire friggin world that they are about to perish unless they become a JW -- and your answer is "no."
We know they're capable of being "honest" and "forthright". . . . . Hell, our witness friends and family are extolling Tony as a "straight shooter". . . . . at least when it comes to the tightness of your pants.
Yes pants. . . . we're gonna be honest about pants. But 99.9% of humankind dying at Armageddon. . . . . well. .. . . .
So, who is really bloodguilty here?